Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group has a number of events planned for this year kicking off with:
100% Renewable Energy Campaign Launch – this Sunday 2 May, at Gladesville Skate Park, cnr Victoria Rd & Crown St, Gladesville at 3.30pm. Join our group photo claiming Gladesville as an suburb that supports 100% renewable power!!! More info @: http://www.100percent.org.au/
Meeting with state MP
This week, members of the Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group met with the local state government member for Ryde, Victor Dominello. He indicated that he believed that climate change was occurring though is not convinced that it is all due to human action.
He also suggested that he supported increased use of renewable energy but would not commit to opposing the building of two new coal fired power stations being proposed by the NSW state government. These power stations are predicted to increase NSW emissions by 15%. To find out more http://www.greenpeace.org.au/climate/GI-nswcoal.html
Global Issues: NASA GISS –
Goddard Institute for Space Studies – have some interesting articles on climate change. The website can be viewed at: http://www.giss.nasa.gov/
Australian Issues: CSIRO – BOM – Drought Exception Circumstances Report.
Read an assessment & impact of climate change on the nature & frequency of exceptional climatic events at: http://www.daff.gov.au/agriculture-food/drought/national_review_of_drought_policy/climatic_assessment/drought-impact-report
Local Issues
National Permaculture Day – Saturday 1 May, 10am – 12pm
Open gardens at 12 Farnell St, Hunters Hill and 8/6-8 Donald Ave, Epping (urban home gardens with vegetables, solar and water systems). Also open permaculture garden and workshops at Ryde TAFE, Parkes St, Ryde 12 midday to 4pm www.permacultureday.info
Recycling in Ryde
City of Ryde Council has a comprehensive list of how to Recycle household waste from aerosols to white goods including e-waste & mobile phones. Have a look at: http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/wastedisposal
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in Hunters Hill – can be found @: http://www.huntershill.nsw.gov.au/Page/Page.asp?Page_Id=170
…& while you’re there…Hunters Hill’s Sustainability Plan is worth a look…http://www.huntershill.nsw.gov.au/Page/page.asp?Page_Id=303&h=0
…& just for good measure, over at Lane Cove they have composting & worm farms at http://www.lanecove.nsw.gov.au/Council%20Services/Waste%20Management/Compost%20Bins%20and%20Worm%20Farms/CompostBinsandWormFarms.htm
A date for your diary
Windy Day in Ryde on World Environment Day Sat 5 June 2010 at Buffalo Creek Reserve for a family fun filled arvo! More info soon!
Next meeting:
Wednesday 5 May, 2010 at 7.30 pm. Contact us for more details.