December 11

The Ryde Gladesville low embedded energy, low emissions Christmas gift wish list.

  1. A tree for the garden (carbon positive)
  2. Make it a fruit tree (plus reduce your food miles!)
  3. A compost bin and /or a second compost bin (so you can rotate them)
  4. A powermate to measure your energy use
  5. Tickets to music, plays or dance
  6. Local handmade art or craft or those from developing countries (hardest hit by climate change)
  7. Buy a bicycle – or if you’ve already got one then how about buying a lock/lights/panniers (so s/he can make the jump into commuting or shopping by bike)
  8. A gift certificate to support environmental groups such as: Bush Heritage –, Rainforest Rescue, , Oxfam as some suggestions.
  9. Volunteer your time and labour to help prepare a veggie garden for a relative or friend.
  10. try to avoid anything with a plug!
  11. … and eating? Think low food miles- Mudgee wine not Malborough Sound. Local treats, not imported.
  12. Thinking about a holiday in the new year? well check out:
  13. Other tips for a Sustainable Christmas can be found at:

Send us your Christmas successes and we will share them in our next newsletter.

In the meantime, stay happy, safe and cool (but easy on the air conditioning)

Post GFC emissions higher

According to a SMH article, global emissions levels have increased dramatically since the Global Financial Crisis. During the crisis, emissions had decreased. To see the article in full, go to:

Murray Darling Report

The report on how best to save the Murray Darling River has not been received well by most interested groups. There is an opportunity for anyone to make a submission to the Murray Darling Basin plan by 16 April 2012. For the full report and how to make a submission, go to

Durban International Climate Conference

The latest International Climate Conference hosted by the United Nations is being held in Durban and will finish 9 December. The United Nations Environment Program (unep) is an international body that discusses the environment and the effects of climate change on communities throughout the world. Have a look at their website:

Coal Seam Gas mining by the numbers

Want to know more about coal seam gas mining and the extent of the area companies are wanting to exploit? Go to the following website which will give you information about this destructive practice:

Community purchase of solar panels

Two years ago, our group organised a bulk community purchase of solar panel systems for residents in the Gladesville area. We are now talking to the same company to offer another bulk community purchase next year. When we have more details we will let you know. In the meantime, we would love to hear from anyone who participated in our last bulk purchase who has feedback on how they found the installation process and the panels.

Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group

The Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group is made up of a small dedicated group of core members and a larger group of supporters. Currently there are lots of exciting things happening in the climate change arena and we welcome others to join the core group. Contact us here or phone Jo on 0414-375-149.

Next meeting:

Monday 6 February 2011 at 7.30 pm. Call Pamela on 0422 532 586 or Jo on 0414 375 149 for details.