January 2020 Newsletter

With the ongoing horror of this unprecedented bushfire season, we strongly encourage you to write to your federal MP condemning (politely) the government’s pitiful and totally inadequate response to what is happening and climate change, the need for immediate action to deal with Australia’s increasing carbon emissions and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels in every aspect of our lives. And when you have written your letter, encourage everyone you know who is concerned to do the same. What we are seeing is the effects of climate change as predicted by scientists and fire chiefs for many years.  Make a noise and keep making noise until the next federal (and state) election – politicians desperately hope for voter amnesia as time goes by.
In the meantime, donate to organisations helping people and animals recover, go to the Blood Bank and donate plasma (it’s used to treat burns amongst other things) and keep talking to people about climate change.


Citizen science projects There are two you might be interested in.  One is run by Butterflies Australia where you can download an app and record your sightings of butterflies.https://butterflies.org.au/external/home
The other is run by Australia Museum asking you to record if you see or hear frogs. There is an app you can download. https://australianmuseum.net.au/get-involved/citizen-science/frogid/


In the last  month we have done the following:

Donated $100 to WIRES to care for native wildlife injured in bushfires


Talking to climate change denialists and winning the argument Here’s an article on how to use critical thinking to challenge those climate change denialists. https://theconversation.com/how-to-use-critical-thinking-to-spot-false-climate-claims-91314
And another on how to counter science denial.https://theconversation.com/busting-myths-a-practical-guide-to-countering-science-denial-42618
And another on how to win a climate change debate (just like Greta) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-11/how-to-win-a-climate-change-debate/11787486
How to market the science of climate change to sceptics.

What Scott Morrison should have done  … but didn’t. https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/11-things-scott-morrison-could-have-done-for-the-bushfire-emergency–but-didnt,13429
Even the Home Affairs Department warned the government after the May election of the increasing climate change risks https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/dec/24/home-affairs-warned-australian-government-of-growing-climate-disaster-risk-after-may-election

Australia’s environment and biodiversity.  Submissions from Australians are being sought by the government on how the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999 should be updated.  Having seen the devastation of the bushfires and the loss of so much of our native fauna and flora, this is an opportunity for you to call for stronger laws to protect our environment.  The Wilderness Society has put together some suggestions on what to say. Submissions do  not have to be long. https://www.wilderness.org.au/make-your-voice-heard Closing date for submissions is 14 February 2020. We strongly encourage you and everyone you know to make a submission.

Stronger protection for koalasSubmissions are also being sought regarding koala conservation in SE Queensland.  Once again Wilderness Society has made it easy for you.  Submissions close 31 January 2020. Here is the link to the letter you can do. https://wilderness.good.do/savekoalahabitat/koalasubmission/

Australia ranked the worst in dealing with climate change https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/11/australia-ranked-worst-of-57-countries-on-climate-change-policy
Australian businesses are supportive of zero carbon emissions by 2050 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/19/climate-crisis-australian-businesses-back-net-zero-carbon-emissions-by-2050
But still Angus Taylor thinks Australia is doing its bit. Here’s a fact check of his claims. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/dec/31/fact-checking-angus-taylor-does-australia-have-a-climate-change-record-to-be-proud-of

Recapping the effects of climate change around the world in 2019. Here’s a reminder of events around the world. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/20/2019-has-been-a-year-of-climate-disaster-yet-still-our-leaders-procrastinate

Hot weather and how it affects your power supply. https://www.smh.com.au/national/the-day-from-hell-why-the-grid-melts-down-in-hot-weather-20191216-p53khd.html

Saving Kosciuszko National Park The population of brumbies in this national park has increased dramatically and they are destroying that fragile environment.  Sign the letter asking for the NSW government to take action. https://reclaimkosci.org.au/action/

National Climate Disaster Fund There is a proposal from the Australia Institute that a levy of $1 per tonne of all coal, gas and oil produced in Australia be imposed on producers to pay for some of the increasing costs of climate disasters.  Sign the petition if you agree https://nb.tai.org.au/climatedisasterlevy

Adani There are still a number of companies that have not ruled out being involved with the Adani mine.  See who they are (and who has distanced themselves) and then sign the letter Market Forces has drafted asking them not to support this project. https://www.marketforces.org.au/info/key-issues/theadanilist/

Lowest thermal coal prices in a decade so are the forecasts of increasing demand to be believed?  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/27/price-of-australian-thermal-coal-slumps-to-lowest-in-more-than-a-decade