Paris outcomes So what does it all mean? For the first time countries have agreed to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees. They have also agreed to curb their carbon emissions though at this stage the targets announced are not sufficient (especially Australia’s). There is a commitment to have zero carbon emissions between 2010 and 2100. There is a mechanism to help vulnerable countries from financial losses due to climate change. A fund will be set up to help developing countries transition to renewable energy. It means that the road ahead will be challenging but there is hope that this is the beginning of zero carbon world.
Hottest year ever 2015 is recorded as the hottest year ever. The Climate Council has released a report. Read it here
There will be campaigns in May to demand action on keeping fossil fuels in the ground. The campaign is being organised by We’ll keep you posted.
Senate enquiry into CSG Senator Glen Lazarus has managed to secure a senate enquiry into CSG. Submissions close on March 14. We strongly urge you to make a submission. It doesn’t have to be long or detailed – just your concerns is enough. Go to
A rooftop solar biggest power station Yes, solar panels are now a major contributor to the state’s power needs.
End of climate change deniers? Unfortunately not. Read the following article and see there’s still a lot of work to do.
Bank Australia Want to divest from the major banks but still have a mortgage? Maybe this is the bank for you. They protect biodiversity with five conservation reserve properties in Victoria. And, most important of all, their lending policy says “Bank Australia has not and will not make any loans to finance coal and coal seam gas projects”. Contact them at
Cash for containers It’s crunch time and the NSW Government wants to hear from the community about what system they want – the one proposed by Boomerang alliance which follows world best practice with 10c refund or the one by Coke which will targets only 3% of litter. Make a short submission by going to
Clean air Is your suburb one with the cleanest air in Sydney? Have a look at this link
Vatican lights up During the Paris talks the Vatican was lit up with a 3 hour light show of endangered species. Also at
Be involved? Would you like to become more involved in the group? We’re always looking for people who would like to take the next step up and become more closely involved in the decision making of the core group. We meet the first Monday of the month. If you’d like to, contact us either through email ( or you can phone Jo on 0414 375 149
What’s On
Hope for the Planet Harvard professor and co-author of the book ‘Merchants of Doubt’ Naomi Oreskes will be talking with Tim Flannery and David Suzuki on Tuesday 8th March at the Opera House. For tickets go to
Market Forces which has been instrumental in the divestment campaign will be launching its 2016 plans on 9 February in Sydney. For information and details