July 09


Clive Hamilton-Crikey:

Al Gore is hoping, Obama is scared, Rudd is a wimp. The earth? So what did the G8 summit tell us? Barack Obama’s speech was beautiful, and remarkable. Europe has committed to a huge 30% cut in emissions by 2020 if boldness prevails at Copenhagen. http://www.crikey.com.au/2009/07/15/al-gore-is-hoping-obama-is-scared-rudd-is-a-wimp-the-earth/

igrid… an intelligent grid for NSW

Building more coal fired power stations is expensive and unnecessary. University of Technology Sydney, has a plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy savings and generating power close to where it is used, cutting total power bills in NSW. www.igrid.net.au

Safe Climate Australia is a NGO launched by Al Gore on 13 July formed by concerned scientists, community and business leaders aiming to mobilise Australia’s technological, economic and political expertise and resources in planning the transition of the Australian economy to zero net carbon. http://www.safeclimateaustralia.org/

do something:

Petition for climate justice Oxfam is campaigning for a strong, just and fair agreement in Copenhagen. Developed countries are responsible for most of the pollution, yet poor countries are being hit hardest. Sign the petition and check their great site. http://www.oxfam.org.au/campaigns/climate-change/

what’s on

Moocooboola Festival Sunday August 2, 10am – 4pm, Boronia Park, Hunters Hill, Come and say hello to your local climate group and write a letter to the PM at our stall.

National Tree Day: Sunday August 2: the average native tree absorbs 669 kg of CO2 in it’s lifetime, plus cools the streets and conserves energy. Plant one in your garden or join plantings at Marsfield Park and Boronia Park Epping www.treeday.planetark.org

Towards a Sustainable Economy Forum Thursday 5 August, 7pm, Willoughby Hotel (Upstairs) Penshurst St, Willoughby

Pacific Voices Speak Up On Climate Change: Greens Public Forum: 1:00 – 2:00pm, Friday 24th July 2009, NSW Parliament House, Speakers from Tuvalu & Kiribati, No Cost. RSVP 9230 3551 With Greenpeace and Oxfam.

The Big Melt – Climate Justice Forum Thursday August 13, 6.30 – 8.00 PM, Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street Sherpa Pemba Dorje, and environmental lawyer Prakash Sharma speak about the Himalayas where disappearing glaciers are drying up Asia’s giant rivers. http://www.thebigmelt.org

Climate Camp 2009-9-11 October, Join the camp at Helensburgh to call for a halt in the new coal mine expansion http://www.climatecamp.org.au/

Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group Next Meeting Wednesday 5 August 7.30pm, Bayview Hotel, 166 Victoria Rd (in the comfy chairs on left hand side)