Plastic Free workshop Ryde Council is running a free workshop on how to reduce plastic in your life on Wednesday 4 July 6.30-8.30pm at Ryde Library. Free but bookings essential. Go to https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/plastic-free-life-how-to-reduce-plastic-in-your-life-4-july-2018-tickets-41803219555 or phone 9952 8222.
Wildflower walks The Ryde Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society is running wildflower walks in the Field of Mars on Saturday 14 July 11am – 2pm. Free but bookings essential. For information and to book go to http://rhhffps@gmail.com or phone Alfred on 9879 6067
In the last month we have done the following:
Wrote a submission objecting to Clive Palmer’s proposal to build a mine in the Galilee Basin near the Adani mine
Mine rehabilitation This is becoming a major issue. Here’s a film from Lock the Gate showing the former Ebenezer coal mine and its inadequate rehabilitation. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/video/2018/apr/27/bare-minimum-rehabilitation-plan-for-mine-video
NEG is useless. In August the state energy ministers will meet to decide if they support the Federal Government’s NEG plan. Analysts say there is no scope for renewables and that it will lock in coal as our energy source for decades. Watch this video https://www.facebook.com/climatecouncil/videos/1265340390269218/ then write to your state energy minister asking they reject Turnbull’s plan. https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/renewable-energy/save-renewables-stop-the-neg/save-renewables-stop-the-neg
And then for some fun watch this video.https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/renewable-energy/watch-honest-government-ad-on-turnbull-s-neg/watch-honest-government-ad-on-turnbull-s-neg
Wonder why Australia’s carbon emissions are rising? Here’s a few clues – gas boom https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/14/gas-fuels-australias-third-straight-year-of-rising-emissions , more of Great Australian Bight opened up for drilling https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/15/more-of-the-great-australian-bight-opened-to-oil-and-gas
That murky $444 million for the Reef The federal government announced this money to be given, without proper tender process or even considering other organisations, to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, a group with links to fossil fuel industry, which donates to the Coaltion and has climate denial links. It is another example of the federal government’s inability to deal with the root cause of the reef’s decline – climate change. https://www.themonthly.com.au/today/paddy-manning/2018/22/2018/1526967743/murky-reef-grant
In the meantime businesses and builders get into renewables Here’s some examples of https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/15/almost-half-of-australian-big-business-moving-to-renewables and https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/agl-to-transform-coal-mine-to-pumped-hydro-for-liddell-shortfall-20180525-p4zhgr.html and https://www.smh.com.au/business/the-economy/green-juggernauts-are-recalibrating-societies-20180308-p4z3gv.html
Sacrific Zone Watch this video about the effects of CSG mining on communities, the land and the threat to the Great Artesian Basin. http://www.sacrificezone.com.au/
Local governments and climate change A survey commissioned by BZE (Beyond Zero Emissions) has found what local councils are doing to combat climate change. http://bze.org.au/zcc-local-government-review-2018/
All Australian packaging to be sustainable by 2025 A good idea, but as usual government action is much too late and not ambitious enough. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/27/all-australian-packaging-to-be-sustainable-by-2025-coag-agrees In the meantime, here’s a great story about sustainable packaging https://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/sustainability/case-study/packaging-made-from-waste-wool-wins-big-264579906
Parkes, Elvis Presley and renewables Parkes wants to become the king of renewables. Watch this fun video https://www.facebook.com/climatecouncil/videos/1258162044320386/
Clive Palmer wants a coal mine too Clive Palmer has applied to mine coal in the Galilee Basin, near the proposed Adani mine.http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-04-26/clive-palmer-seeks-approval-for-monster-mine-near-adani/9698680
Adani The government’s claim that revoking Adani’s Camichael Mine would increase Austalia’s sovereign risk is false https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/21/no-sovereign-risk-to-revoking-adani-approval-saul-eslake-says Analysts say the latest financial results for Adani Power, a subsidiary of the Adani group, show the Carmichael mine is no longer viable (but don’t get too excited yet). https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/07/adani-coal-losses-prompt-mining-company-to-shift-from-imported-coal230
California and PV All new homes and apartments built in California from 2020 will have to have PV installed. http://www.climateactionprogramme.org/news/all-new-california-homes-will-now-have-to-use-solar-panels
Renewable jobs in the world A recent report has found that jobs in the renewable energy sector worldwide is now over 10 million https://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/sustainability/news/renewable-energy-jobs-hit-over-10-million-worldwide-965252713 and it’s increasing in Australia too https://www.ecdonline.com.au/content/efficiency-renewables/news/renewable-energy-how-many-jobs-are-there-in-aus–358735355#axzz5HgxdEV2g
Wind farms and rural communities A report from the Australian Wind Alliance shows the economic benefits to rural communities. http://www.windalliance.org.au/rural_communities_windfalls_from_wind_farms Also, the Bango Wind Farm has been approved by the NSW Dept of Planning (yeah!)
Yellow bin recyling in Ryde Not sure what you can put in your yellow bin in the Ryde council area? Here’s a quick list to help you.http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/waste/2017-07-yellow-recycling-guide.pdf
Community Recycling Centre The Northern Sydney Community Recycling Centre is a free service for Ryde and surrounding councils residents. It takes many things that you can’t recycle in your yellow bin. It is located at 8 Waltham Rd, Artarmon. Go to this website for information on what it accepts and opening times. https://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/Environment-and-Waste/Waste-and-Recycling/Other-Waste-Services/Community-Recycling-Centre
Repair Cafe The north Repair Cafe is open the first and second Sunday of each month 2-4pm at 180 Longueville Road, Lane Cove. They can repair all sorts of things including jewellery, ceramics, clothes, broken zips, umbrellas, household gadgets especially of battery operated variety, shoes, backpacks plus knives, secateurs and pruning tools for sharpening. Donation appreciated.https://repaircafe.org/locations/repair-cafe-sydney-north/
Microplastics in cosmetics Microplastics are a major concern to marine life and are commonly found in makeup and cosmetics. Check out this guide to find out what products to avoid. There’s also an app Beat the Microbead you can use. http://www.surfrider.org.au/good_scrub_guide#
And don’t forget we’re on Facebook! Check us out.