World Environment Day Rally – June 13
Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group invites you to attend the Sydney gathering on Saturday June 13, 10am in Sydney CBD, Hickson Rd, Millers point. Wear red clothing – red is the colour of the climate emergency. This rally is focusing on a rapid transition to renewable energy. The rally is asking for ….
- Green collar jobs not job cuts
- 100% renewable energy by 2020
- global climate justice: Australia should take the lead
The event will coincide with other similar rallies in each capital city organised by climate groups. There will be stalls and speakers at the Rally.
Federal budget allocation on solar and clean coal
Last week’s budget included $1.5 billion over six years in a new solar power program which will aim to establish an additional 1,000 megawatts of solar electricity generation capacity in Australia. This is similar to the generation capacity of a coal fired power station. A great step forward, however……
At the same time the budge included $2 billion for carbon capture and storage (so called clean coal ) over 9 years. The Crikey news website points out that the contrast between renewables and “clean coal” couldn’t be more stark. The investment in solar is expected to create 1GW of real, emissions free power within the next 6 years. Wheras the larger investment in carbon capture will support the development of demonstration projects over 9 years. Reality vs illusion.
Read more:
Climate Change Exhibition at the Australian Museum 2 May – 16 August
Will Sydney really be flooded by rising sea levels? What’s a carbon footprint anyway? A new interactive exhibition at the Australian Museum takes you on a surprising trip through two possible scenarios – one where nothing has been done to combat climate change and the other showing how nations, communities and individuals can take positive action to help save the planet.
Developed by climate change experts and scientists, this exhibition gives you the chance to:
- melt the ice caps and see which parts of Sydney flood first,
- get news from the future by watching broadcasts from 2050
- dance to the beat on a special dance floor and see how much green energy you can generate.
Calling 1 Million Women
A new campaign was launched this week in Sydney calling on women of Australia to commit to reducing CO2. The site calculates how much C02 your actions save. To sign on or find out more
Bulk solar purchase
Supporters who are taking part in our group solar panel installation should now all have received quotes from Aussie Solar. Due to the end of the rebate scheme, there are many hundreds of applications from individuals and other groups being processed. This may create a few delays. If you haven’t heard yet, be patient. If you have questions email Jo on
Save the date:
24 October, 2009 ….see This is an invitation to help build a movement–to take one day and use it to stop the climate crisis. More info next newsletter.
Once again, feedback on our newsletter, questions and ideas greatly welcome. Contact us on