We are moving to a new email system and have encountered some problems. We apologise to those of you who have either received multiple copies of newsletters or not received any at all in the last two months. We are working to stop that occurring in the future. We sent an email a few weeks ago asking you to confirm your subscription to the new list. Important: if you did not receive or respond to that email, please visit this page of the website http://www.climatechangerg.org/newsletter-sign-up/ and add your email.
We are expecting it will take a couple more months to finally sort out everything and thank you for your patience.
Action at Newcastle Have a look at the protest at Newcastle, the world’s largest coal port, on 8 May and be inspired http://australia.breakfree2016.org/
Community powerhouses Now that the election has been called, this is the best time to get the ear of the politicians and would-be politicians. Solar Citizens has a new campaign in conjunction with GetUp to make Australia 100% renewable by 2030. Both the ALP and Greens support this policy but not the Coalition. Read all about it and then email your Federal member to encourage them to support it. http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/campaigns
Environmental charities A report tabled in Parliament this week contains recommendations that threaten our ability to conduct environmental campaigning and champion peaceful civil disobedience. Please help by sending Greg Hunt a message, telling him to reject these recommendations before the election. http://www.marketforces.org.au/defend-environmental-advocacy-government-report-wants-to-silence-us/
QBE QBE and other insurance companies are starting to feel the cost of climate change in the amount they need to pay out. QBE also underwrites fossil fuel projects. Sign the letter to ask to them divest http://www.marketforces.org.au/qbe/
ACT to go 100% renewables by 2020 The ACT is one of a growing number of states and regions planning to go to renewables. Read the story here http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/act-commits-to-100-per-cent-renewable-energy-target-by-2020-simon-corbell-20160428-goh1l9.html
NSW land clearing The NSW Government has just tabled its plans to scrap the laws that have protected habitats and allow large scale clearing. Read about the impacts and sign the petition to say no http://www.nature.org.au/get-involved/take-action/stand-up-for-nature-stop-land-clearing/
Battery storage bulk buy Suncrowd is a community organisation based in Newcastle that are seeking a minimum of 100 energy user’s who want battery storage to enable them to negotiate a lower price for quality battery systems. They want to roll this offer out throughout NSW from June 2016. To register your interest go to http://suncrowd.demostage.net/?kid=9CC6T
Battery storage And the inventions keep coming. Here’s a different type of battery storage. http://www.electricalsolutions.net.au/content/efficiency-renewables/article/liquid-metal-batteries-the-key-to-renewables–233338792?
Wind energy myths Read what are the top 10 wind energy myths https://www.climaterealityproject.org/sites/climaterealityproject.org/files/windmyths_final020316.pdf
Ethical switch Want to change to an energy supplier that supports renewable energy? Ethical Switch ranks electricity companies on their green credentials, commitment to renewable energy, and their treatment of customers. They do rigorous research to establish the rankings and present the findings to you. Click here to make the change http://ethicalswitch.com/charity-page
Responding to climate change deniers Have a look at this site and be prepared http://www.climaterealityproject.org/sites/climaterealityproject.org/files/the12questionseveryclimateactivisthears_theclimaterealityproject.pdf
Energy from waste Yes, it’s possible but not common in Australia. http://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/waste/article/energy-from-waste-in-australia-is-there-a-future–593706852
Peabody Peabody Energy, one of the largest coal mining companies in the world (it has a few mines in NSW and Queensland), has filed for bankruptcy in USA. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/apr/13/peabody-energys-collapse-does-not-mark-end-era-coal
England and solar power Solar power is now starting to beat coal as England’s energy source. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/apr/13/solar-power-sets-new-british-record-by-beating-coal-for-a-day
Sydney Marine Park The NSW government is currently assessing the possibility of a Sydney Marine park for the area between Newcastle and Wollongong. Sign the petition to say we need this http://www.marineconservation.org.au/petitions/79/our-chance-for-a-sydney-marine-park
Palm Oil and Indonesian forests Colgate-Palmolive, PepsiCo and Johnson and Johnson have said they will consider not buying palm oil from forests destroyed for this product which is found in so many products we all use. Sign the letter to let them know you want them to act, not just talk. Check out Greenpeace’s blog to find out what companies are not keeping their commitment on palm oil. https://act.greenpeace.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1845&ea.campaign.id=48088&ea.tracking.id=RHC
Vote for Climate Change Have a look at this website and see what the major parties’ policies are on tackling climate change. http://www.climateforchange.org.au/act_vote#step3details
What’s On
Pollution Free Politics For every dollar the fossil fuel industry gives to ALP and Coalition, they receive over $2000 in subsidies. It’s time to change that. If you want to be involved in any of the actions happening around the country for the week 16 – 22 May go to http://gofossilfree.org.au/week-of-action/
Film screening We will be screening the highly acclaimed documentary “This Changes Everything” by Naomi Klein in the Wallumetta room at Ryde Library Pope Street on Thursday 26 May from 6.30 to 9pm. It is about climate change and what communities around the world are doing to deal with it. Gold coin donation. All welcome.
Biodiversity – Survival or Extinction The Northside Forum will hold a discussion on biodiversity on Saturday 4 June at Terrace Room, Union Hotel, 271 Pacific Highway, North Sydney. Bookings essential http://northsideforum.org.au/