Many of us will be devastated by the results of the Federal election and wondering why a Coalition government could be re-elected which has no policies on how to deal effectively with climate change and move Australia to a zero emissions economy. You may even be thinking that all is lost.
This is not the time for despair. Climate change was the major issue for this election and we can build on that voter sentiment.
So, we encourage you to take on the role of being a spokesperson for action on climate change over next three years for it is us, the voters, who will force politicians to act. Talk to family, friends, colleagues, casual aquaintances, neighbours, your children about what needs to be done and, importantly, how it can be done. Talk about the challenges but also talk about the amazing things being done around the world that are having a positive effect on moving us away from our reliance on fossil fuels. Talk about how we can move to 100% renewables by 2030, how we can reduce our carbon emissions, how we can preserve the environment and the amazing biodiversity we have. The newsletters we send out are a mine of information and links on how you can do this with confidence and enthusiasm. There is so much we each can do.
Hope is not enough – we must be active in getting the message out to the community that the protecting the environment is crucial to the survival of life on the planet, while not forgetting the effects on the economy if nothing is done. To do this, we can support environmental groups fighting poor government proposals and decisions, write letters to politicians and newspapers, sign petitions, go to rallies. And support school children who go on strike for they understand the consequences if we do not act with urgency.
We can do this together, so let’s get going.
Bird Walk Ryde-Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society is running two walks on Saturday 1 June in the Field of Mars with a guide to see the birdlife in this reserve. Departure times are 8.30 and 10.30am from the Visitor Centre. Free but booking essential. Either phone Alfred on 9879 6067 or email
Ryde Council Sustainability Festival Ryde Council will be holding its annual Sustainability Festival on Sunday 2 June 10am -2pm at Putney Park, Pellisier Rd, Putney. It’s free and a great event for families. For more details go to
SunSPot tutorial Thinking about putting PV on your roof but not sure if you get enough sun? Come to a tutorial run by Ryde Council on Monday 27 May 10-11.30 am Wallumetta Room, Ryde library to learn how to use this tool. Free but booking essential
To find out more information about SunSPot, visit the Australian Photovoltaic Institute website.
Accelerate – the documentary A documentary about why we need urgent action on climate change.
In the last month we have done the following:
We sent a short questionnaire regarding renewables and climate change to all the candidates in the Bennelong electorate. The UAP and Christian Democrats candidates did not respond. Coalition response was, as expected, still very supportive of fossil fuels. The Labor response was more encouraging and the Greens response showed a great understanding of the issue and what needed to be done.
Made a submission in support of Wollar Solar Farm.
What this election means in the world context What’s happening around the world in regards to action on climate change means the re-elected Federal government will not be able to maintain its current stand on supporting coal.
Biodiversity disappearing fast The UN has released its Global Assessment of Biodiversity, the first since 2005 and the reading is not happy. Australia will lose a lot of its biodiversity if the trend continues.
AEMO to model rapid transition to renewables The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) will do this as the next stage to move us away from fossil fuels for supplying our electricity.
Renewables and Paris target Australia is installing PV faster than any other country in the world per person per year and we could easily meet our Paris targets – if only we had a Federal government with policies to make it happen.–1523004357
Hepburn’s clean energy plan This shire in Victoria has ambitious (and very achievable plans) for zero carbon emissions and 100% renewable energy. Watch the video and be inspired. The Mortlake South Windfarm in Victoria is under construction and due to be finished October 2020
Jobs hike in the solar farm sector Jobs in the renewable energy sector have increased
Predicting cloud movements and solar production Magellan Power and Curtin University have teamed up to develop a sky imaging product that can predict weather and the amount of cloud cover which can affect PV solar production.
Plastics and recycling Only one third of Australia’s plastics are recycled. ACOR (Australian Council of Recycling) and Boomerang Alliance are calling for action by the federal government on five priority items. The money from NSW waste levy is not being put towards recycling but rather into general revenue. so sign the petition to Save our Recycling In the meantime the EU parliament has banned single use plastics by 2021.
Go to the Redcycle website to look at what soft plastics can be put in the Coles and Woolworths plastic recycling bins.
The mining sector and NSW government The mining sector has extraordinary access to NSW government ministers – it’s no wonder all those fossil fuel projects are approved.
Hydrogen – an alternative to LPG A better alternative – but only the Green Hydrogen source please!
Electric vehicles Separating facts from fiction.
Recycling beauty product containers L’Occitaine at Macquarie Shopping Centre (level 2) has partnered with TerraCycle to accept all beauty, skincare or hair packaging for recycling.
Ryde Council Ryde Council has updated its comprehensive listing of how to recycle those difficult items.
Clothing recycling H&M Stores will take old clothes and have them recycled.
Sealed Lead Acid batteries These are typically used for securtiy alarm systems, emergency lighting backups, power supplies for rechargeable systems like scales, computer UPS, motorised bikes. Battery World has a scheme for recycling these. You could check with the Community Recycling Centre at 8 Waltham St, Artarmon to see if they accept them1`.
Repair Cafe This is open at 180 Longueville Rd, Lane Cove 2-4pm the first and second Sunday of each month. Instead of throwing it out, maybe it can be repaired. For more info on what can be repaired and opening dates go to
Sustainable seafood Is your seafood sustainably sourced? Find out by going to the Australian Sustainable Seafood Guide website and then download the free app.
Pouches for orphaned marsupial babies. Sydney Wildlife is looking for donations of pouches that can be knitted, crocheted or sewn. For details of the pattern and where to deliver the finished item, go to