Holy Cross Family Day Holy Cross will be holding a family day to celebrate its 125th birthday and we will be there. It will be on 20 November 10am-4pm at 517 Victoria Road, Ryde. Lots of fun for the family. Come and say hello.
Solar Citizens road show Solar citizens is bringing its Homegrown Plan to power Australia with 100% renewables by 2030 to Parramatta on 28 November at Parramatta Town Hall, 182 Church St, Parramatta 6.30 – 8.30pm. Make a booking for this free event at http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/western_sydney_forum
Solar solutions battery workshop
Ryde Council is running this free information night on solar panels and batteries on Tuesday 29 November at Macquarie Theatre, Macquarie University 6.30-8.30pm. Bookings essential https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/solar-solutions-batteries-tickets-28379751601
Naomi Klein events See a showing of Naomi Klein’s documentary “This Changes Everything” on Sunday 6 November at New Law Theatre, University of Sydney at 3.30pm.
On Wednesday 9 November at the City Recital Hall 7pm will be a discussion panel including speakers from Naomi Klein, Aboriginal community representatives, GetUp! and newspapers to discuss how to move away from fossil fuels and a more equitable Australia.
For tickets and info for both events https://events.ticketbooth.com.au/events
Christmas get together We’d love to meet you at our Christmas event at the Hunters Hill Hotel on Monday 12 December from 7pm. Come and say hello.
NSW to go carbon neutral by 2050 The NSW anounced today (3/11) to be carbon neutral by 2050. While this is welcome news, the date is way too late to stop substantial irreversible climate change. There is a call for submissions which closes 16 December. We most strongly urge you to make a submission. It doesn’t have to be long and the more the government receives that encourages this the better. We will do a submission on behalf of the group but individual submissions are very powerful. For information on what the plan is, dates for the web seminars and how to make a submission go to https://engage.environment.nsw.gov.au/Environmental-Future-Consultation-Make-Submission
Help stop the mining industry’s power The mining industry has been very kind to state and federal governments who are ignoring widespread community concerns about approvals for mining. Senate hearings are about to start on political donations. The government wants stop the community being able to protest about mining projects. GetUp is running a campaign to expose the corruption but needs money to do so. If you’d like to donate to the cause go to https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/great-barrier-reef–3/chip-in-to-get-our-ad-against-adani-on-tv-1/chip-in-to-fight-back-against-adani
You can also sign the Green’s petition to show your concern http://campaigns.greens.org.au/ea-action
Shenhua Mine According to licence requirements, if Shenhua has not begun substantial development of the mine within eight years of the licence first being granted, the Government can cancel it with no obligation to pay compensation. That deadline ran out at the end of October. Sign the petition to ask the government to cancel the licence. http://www.lockthegate.org.au/protect_the_plains
Senate enquiry into retiring coal fired power stations This is an opportunity for all of us to let this Senate enquiry know we want to move away from this form of energy. You can make a submission – it doesn’t have to be long and is easy. 350.org has written some pointers of what you can include. http://act.350.org/letter/submit-senate-coal-closure
One million jobs That’s how many jobs would be created if Australia moved to 100% Renewables. ACF (Australian Conservation Foundation) has launched a new report Jobs for a clean energy Future https://www.acf.org.au/one-million-jobs and then ask the Federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg to make it happen https://www.acf.org.au/frydenberg-cleanenergy.
Sydney City Council divests! This council has voted to divest from fossil fuels. Send a note to Clover Moore and her council to say you like their decision http://act.350.org/letter/sydney-divestment
Methane leaks from CSG wells A recent report by the Australian Institute shows the level of methane emissions is far higher than originally thought. However the Federal government and the gas industry isn’t accurately measuring or reporting emissions of fracking projects. Fill in this letter to Minister Frydenberg asking him to put a halt to all new gas projects. https://aycc.good.do/gasstinks/frydo/
Baird’s biodiversity laws Help keep up the pressure on Mike Baird and ask his proposed destructive biodiversity laws be scrapped. Phone his office on 8574 5000 and leave a message. Alternatively you can send him an email https://www.nsw.gov.au/your-government/contact-premier-new-south-wales
Effects of climate change Climate Reality has put together some information about effects of climate change and records broken in 2016. https://www.climaterealityproject.org/blog/yuck-eight-disgusting-side-effects-climate-change
Wind turbine that looks like a tree Yes, to be installed in Paris. Have a look.http://www.iflscience.com/technology/new-wind-turbine-looks-tree-coming-paris/
Tesla’s new home battery storage Have a look at the new Tesla power wall https://electrek.co/2016/10/28/tesla-powerwall-2-game-changer-in-home-energy-storage-14-kwh-inverter-5500/
Before the Flood Watch Leonardo di Caprio’s documentary about the effects of climate change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UGsRcxaSAI
Renewables now largest power source in world The International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported that renewables surpassed coal to now be the largest source of installed power http://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/energy/news/renewables-now-the-largest-source-of-installed-power-in-the-world-196485714