Disastrous climate target and emissions trading scheme
This week the Federal Govt. announced its response to climate change with the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). As you are no doubt aware the target set was an unbelievable 5%, lower even than that suggested in the government’s own Green Paper, with generous compensation to emitters and households. Many doubt the initiative will have any impact on reducing emissions or energy consumption.It is troubling that a newly elected Labor government with a clear mandate on action for the climate would produce a proposal that fall so far short of what the United Nations has called for – that is a 25-40% cut by 2020 which they have established is needed to avoid catastrophic effects on the climate. Even the government’s own advisor and architect of the scheme Prof Ross Garnaut has criticised the government for the low targets and size of the compensation package under which Rio Tinto, BP, and Alcoa, along with Bluescope Steel, will be given $917 million between them in free permits in 2010, the first year of emissions trading. http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/global-warming/carbon-plan-fuels-meltdown/2008/12/19/1229189886133.html
Back down by Federal MP
The Federal Member for Bennelong campaigned last year on a climate action platform and secured the support of many groups such as ours in her efforts as well as many votes. In the view of the Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group the current proposal is a betrayal of this position and makes hypocrites of this government.
Tell them what you think
In announcing the package the PM suggested that it was a debate between industry and environment groups. He neglected the views of the community completely. Email our Federal MP Maxine McKew and ask her not to vote for the climate proposal. Maxine.McKew.MP@aph.gov.au Consider also expressing your concerns to Kevin Rudd http://www.pm.gov.au/contact/index.cfm
Visit to Maxine McKew’s office
Following the suggestion of the Newcastle climate change action group, our group along with many others across the country expressed our concerns this week by visiting our local Federal MP’s office. We were rebuffed by police who refused to allow us to deliver a letter to Ms McKew but we received plenty of support from passing motorists who enjoyed our posters by honking their horns.
Walk against Warming
Great to see those who joined us at Walk Against Warming on 15th November. Over 15,000 people were reported to have attended in Sydney. The Northern District Times covered our participation in an article on 12 November.
Wishing you a safe and peaceful festive season