December 09

December is a big Climate month this year.

Walk Against Warming

12 December, 2009 Starting from Martin Place at 1pm

Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group will meet at 12.45pm at the Cenotaph.

Keep a look out for our banner! Please wear something blue!

UN Meeting in Copenhagen

The website can be found at:

Greenpeace have a webpage on what’s happening in Copenhagen, it can be found at:

Reports back from meetings with our Federal MP’s

We met with Joe Hockey, Federal MP for North Sydney on 29 September 2009.

We received a written response to our questions just recently, for which Mr Hockey apologized. Mr Hockey does believe the science of climate change & that it is humanly caused. The coalition supports efforts to develop clean coal technology. Mr Hockey personally has rainwater tanks & uses green power at home.

We met with Maxine McKew, Federal MP for Bennelong on 12 November 2009.

On 12 November, we had a meeting with the Federal Member for Bennelong. We requested the meeting to ask Maxine McKew to argue for a higher emissions reduction target in Copenhagen, (minimum 40% by 2020) to not support the Opposition watering down of the current emissions proposal and to reconsider support for dirty energy sources. We have previously met with Ms McKew when she was a candidate in 2007 and then again in 2008.

Ms McKew refused our proposal to take notes for the purposes of reporting back in this Newsletter and was also unwilling to provide written responses to our questions or vet our written account prior to issuing the newsletter. She told us that the meeting was private.

We have not before had this response from any of the local, state or federal representatives or candidates we have met with over the past 2.5 years. What was particularly puzzling was that in response to the points we raised she indicated that we had previously raised our concerns on emissions targets and coals with her and there was no point in raising the issues again.

A number of concerned citizens including RGCCAG members met with Maxine McKew on Sat 28 November at the opening of the new boardwalk at the Field of Mars to express concerns about the environment including climate change. Ms McKew did apologise regarding our November meeting and we agreed to maintain open channels of communication.

Previous Event

350 Day – 24 October, 2009

On the evening of 24 October, 2009 RGCCAG had a magical lantern lighting evening of hope for the climate… read more and see pictures…

Next meeting:

Wednesday 13 January, 2010 at 7.30 pm.

Call Pamela on 9816 5672 or Lynda on 0412 094 979 for details.

We would like to wish all our friends & supporters a very safe & peaceful holiday season into 2010. A sincere thank you to you for your continued support over the past 12 months & we look forward to another interesting year ahead.