Dear Ryde Gladesville climate supporters,
September brings an important opportunity for the climate…
global actions on 21 September
This coming Monday 21 September, brief local climate wake up calls will be taking place around the world following a call by Avaaz. People will gather in public places to sound the alarms on their mobile phones, and call government leaders urging climate action. The images will be presented to world leaders at the UN the next day. Get to one of the 13 Sydney events in locations from the Town Hall steps, to Iron Cove Bridge and Pymble
produce, consume and think differently
The OECD says we need to start producing, transporting, consuming, regulating, governing, even thinking, differently; starting today. For their new policy briefing,3373,en_2649_34359_1_1_1_1_37465,00.html
australia trails again…
According to the G20 Australia is ranked 15th in its capacity to generate business in a low carbon economy, the lowest of any industrialised country. The report also found Australia was in the bottom of the pack for meeting the global greenhouse gas target of 450 parts per million by 2020. It came 16th, ahead of only Turkey, Russia and Saudi Arabia.
young people called on to vote… which world ?
3 different scenarios for the planet based on three different emissions targets are presented by World Vision and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition for young people to vote on. A great summary of likely impacts of warming under different proposed targets. The results will be taken to all Australian politicians, and presented at the United Nations.
grow your own
Much of our food travels thousands of kilometres to get to us producing massive carbon emissions from transport and refrigeration. A veggie garden is a simple way to reduce your emissions. See Ryde Council’s sustainability page for a how to.
Upcoming events
Climate Action Update Forum
Monday 21 September , 6:30pm to 9:30pm Redfern Town Hall, Pitt St, Redfern Christine Milne, Australian Greens Senator, Lee Rhiannon NSW Greens MP, John Hepburn, Greenpeace
Coal… the end is in sight
From 9 to 11 October concerned people will gather at Australia’s oldest coal mine in Helensburgh where a planned expansion will release 10 milllion tonnes of CO 2 annually and result in mining under Sydney’s catchment. A peaceful protest at the colliery will take place on Sunday 11 October.
Ryde Gladesvilles 24 October 350 degrees event
Join us at Putney Park from 5pm to 7.30pm on Saturday 24th October to create an inspiring candle message with 350 candles in an Evening of Hope for the Climate. Local schools will be participating by making lanterns in class. Music and games will be provided as well as lantern making materials. and
Seminar: Ocean Acidification, A litmus test for international law
Wednesday 30 September, 6pm – 7pm, Cost: full registration $66, New Law Building, University of Sydney. Speakers; Dr Tim Stephens & Prof Gillian Triggs
Next meeting
Wednesday 7 October, 7.30 pm. Call Jo on 9816 3594 or Lynda on 0412 094 979 for details