Adani CEO coming to Sydney Lucas Dow will be giving a talk at the Sydney Mining Club, 320 George St, this Thursday 7 February at 12pm about the virtues of the Adani mine. Wear your StopAdani t-shirt and bring something to make a noise. Organised by StopAdani group.
Climate in the Pub On February 12 from 6.30pm at the 3 Weeds 193 Evans St, Rozelle, there will be a talk by Greg Bourne on “Getting to Green Transport Solutions”
Rally at Parliament House, Canberra On February 12, the first day of parliament sitting for 2019, from 9-10.30am at Parliament House lawns, there will be a protest calling for action on climate change.
Fix NSW protest There will be a rally on Sunday 3 March 1-3pm at Hyde Park North with many community groups calling for changes to fix NSW and with the election on 23 March it will be an important one. Groups including Lock the Gate (to stop CSG mining) will be there.
Student rally Support school children who are going on strike on Friday 15 March to protest about lack of government action on climate change. Keep the date free and we’ll let you know details closer to the time.
In the last month we have done the following:
We have been trying to get a meeting with John Alexander for a couple of months and as yet have not been able to secure one.
We have also been trying to get a meeting with Victor Dominello. We’ve had lots of excuses why we can’t meet him.
Murray-Darling fish kill We are dismayed by the sight of thousands of fish killed by blue green algae as a result of incredibly poor management of the Murray-Darling River. This should be a major issue in the up coming state and federal elections. The SA commissioner of the Royal Commission Bret Walker has found that the scheme has not worked due to maladministration of the Board. The NSW water minister, Niall Blair, has clearly failed in his job. Interestingly, there has been no mention of Barnaby Joyce’s hand in this matter. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-31/murray-darling-basin-plan-ignored-potentially-catastrophic-risks/10766106 You can read the report here. https://www.mdbrc.sa.gov.au/sites/default/files/murray-darling-basin-royal-commission-report.pdf
There are a number of petitions you can sign. We encourage you to sign as many as you want and forward to everyone you can. https://wilderness.good.do/savethemurraydarling/fish/ and/or https://abetternsw.good.do/murraydarling/royal-commission/ and/or https://www.nature.org.au/get-involved/take-action/protect-our-murray-darling-from-more-fish-kills/ and/or https://www.acf.org.au/environment_laws_rivers_petition
In the meantime, Queensland cotton farmers are doing just fine https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/jan/31/photos-reveal-queensland-cotton-farms-full-of-water-while-darling-river-runs-dry
Sydney’s drinking water leaking into the Dendrobium mine 3 million litres of drinking water is leaking into the Dendrobium mine from Sydney’s water catchment and there are plans to expand the mine further. A compelling reason for coal mining to be stopped in NSW. https://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/no-place-for-mining-coal-mines-drain-water-from-dams-20190106-p50pu3.html
There are 10 new coal mines up for approval in NSW. Watch the video from Lock the Gate and then sign the referendum. https://www.lockthegate.org.au/peoplesreferendum
Adani The CSIRO has released a report that says Adani’s water management plan is flawed and has used unverified data. Sign the petition to the Queensland government https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/great-barrier-reef–3/csiro-adani-s-plans-are-seriously-flawed/csiro-adani-s-plans-are-seriously-flawed
There are Australian super funds that have investments in one of the Adani companies. Send a note to your super fund asking them to dump investments with Adani or any other company driving global warming. https://www.marketforces.org.au/ismysuperfundingadani/
Air conditioners and climate change Air conditioners are contributing to climate change. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-12/rising-demand-for-air-conditioning-alarms-climate-change-experts/10710956
Noosa is to reduce plastics by 50% In conjunction with Boomerang Alliance, the Noosa area is working to substantially reduce its plastic footprint. https://www.plasticfreenoosa.org/
Community Power Agency This group has had some major wins in getting renewable energy projects up and running. Read their Christmas newsletter and see what they’ve accomplished and what their plans are for 2019. https://mailchi.mp/a1251da70470/a-huge-year-for-community-energy
New way to store renewable energy? A group in US is developing a system that can effectively store renewable energy. https://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/energy/news/-sun-in-a-box-could-store-renewable-energy-for-the-grid-145819710
Change your electricity provider and help save the reef Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) has teamed up with Powershop to offer you a discount on your electricity and to help the reef if you change over to Powershop, Australia’s greenest electricity provider. It’s easy. For details go to https://www.powershop.com.au/p/amcs/
Nestle to eliminate plastic waste Yes, they’re aiming to eliminate their plastic waste which is good news. https://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/sustainability/article/nestl-taking-steps-to-eliminate-plastic-waste-277085401
HSBC still funding coal Sign this letter asking HSBC to close loopholes in their policies that still allow funding of coal mining in Vietnam, Bangladesh and Indonesia. https://www.marketforces.org.au/hsbcs-cynical-coal-policy-leaves-bangladesh-vietnam-and-indonesia-open-for-business/
Backyard pools and native animals If you have a backyard pool, WIRES suggests you can help native animals that are in the water by draping something over the edge of the pool so they can grab hold and climb out. Alternatively you could have a length of heavy duty rope or even a bodyboard, secured at one end to something heavy outside the pool to provide a platform for an exhaused animal to rest on. Otherwise you could place bricks or large stones either side of each step into the pool to make it easier for an animal to gain a foothold and climb out.
Renewables are cheapest new power A report by CSIRO and AEMO has found that renewables are the cheapest new power source. https://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/sustainability/news/renewables-offer-cheapest-new-build-power-report-1340425724
Shenhua mine NSW planning has approved Shenua’s request to change the consent conditions that could allow pre-construction works to start even though mining lease is yet to be granted. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/jan/27/shenhua-coalmine-planning-works-could-desecrate-indigenous-sacred-sites
No time for Games Doctors for the Environment has a campaign which highlights the urgency to act on climate change for the sake of children’s health. Sign the pledge (they’re aiming for 10,000 signatures) https://notimeforgames.nationbuilder.com/
OECD says Australia not doing enough to tackle climate change. http://www.oecd.org/australia/australia-needs-to-intensify-efforts-to-meet-its-2030-emissions-goal.htm
Wind and solar performance in last heat wave It’s good news how renewables helped. https://reneweconomy.com.au/how-did-wind-and-solar-perform-in-the-recent-heat-wave-40479/