March 09

Group Solar Buy up

After the encouraging response from you to the item in our last newsletter on a bulk purchase of discounted solar panels we decided to go ahead with the project. We have had lots of inquiries already following an article in the Northern District Times last week. Unfortunately we don’t have much time as the rebate closes soon. If you are interested in installing a 5 kilowatt system of solar photo voltaic panels on your roof for around $2,000 have a look at our website.

Be quick. Written applications must be sent to our post office box by 26 March.

Joint Climate Groups Day of Action on 27 March

Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group will be joining climate groups around Australia in protesting outside our Federal member’s office on Friday 27th March at 10am. This protest is directed at the Federal governments inadequate response to climate change in the shape of low targets, massive concessions to polluters and a single strategy response to climate change in the shape of an emissions trading scheme.

Since this government seems to be playing games with returning us to a safe climate we plan to have fun and play our own giant game of snakes and ladders (too few ladders… too many snakes). Come and watch as a way of adding your voice to the thousands of Australians who are asking the Federal government to take this issue seriously. For a brief summary on whats wrong with the proposed scheme.

Printable solar technology ‘heralds electronic revolution’

The CSIRO is developing solar cells that can be printed out by the metre, like banknotes.
To check out the ABC News story done on it recently go to

Coming clean on clean coal

A US group called the Reality Coalition has come together to call the coal industry to account for disseminating misinformation about the impact of coal and solutions. To help them in their campaign they engaged film makers the Cohen Brothers to make a humorous video which has been posted on Youtube. Here’s the link

Reality Coalition video on YouTube

Retired salespersons, counsellors, advertising executives and electrical engineers sought

450ppm is a recently formed climate action group based in West Ryde working to educate the public and work with large power producers to help return our emissions to the safe CO 2 level of 450parts per million. If you have any of these skills and some time to offer contact Terry McBride on 0418 859 211.