350.org Connect the Dots
Last Saturday we unfurled a banner featuring a giant dot on the banks of Parramatta River at Putney Park as part of global Join the Dots day, raising awareness about the links between catastrophic weather events and climate change. For our photo www.climatechangerg.org/events/join-the-dots/ and for moving images of events from Haiti to Afhanistan www.climatedots.org/watch (to see ours in the collection, click on the Pacific region from the map).
This year’s event was held at UWS Parramatta Campus and a number of us attended. Great presenters included Christine Milne, Bill McKibben (350.org) and Mark Ogge (Beyond Zero ). For presentations online on the latest science, rebutting sceptics and renewable http://climatesummit.org.au/summit-presentations/
Habitat Network
Habitat Network will be selling plants on Saturday 26th May – 8.30am to 1pm at Riverside Organic Market, Riverside Girls High School, Huntleys Point Road, Gladesville. An opportunity to buy some extra native habitat plants for your garden. Website is www.habitatnetwork.org/
BZE Repowers Port Augusta
BZE (Beyond Zero Emissions) has released a report outlining plans to repower Port Augusta using solar thermal technology and wind power to replace a current brown coal fired power station. This is an exciting step which has the support of local residents and Council and shows the possibilities of this technology in Australia. http://beyondzeroemissions.org/
Anti Coal Seam Gas mining rally
On 1 May farmers and the Country Women’s Association joined forces with climate groups to rally against the damage done by Coal Seam Gas. Check out these images
ABC News report on Anti Coal Seam Gas mining rally
Climate commission report
The Climate Commission was established to provide all Australians with an independent and reliable source of information about the science of climate change, the international action being taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the economics of a carbon price. Their report was released yesterday and is compelling reading.
Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group
We are a small dedicated group of core members and a larger group of supporters. Currently there are lots of exciting things happening in the climate change arena and we welcome others to join the core group. We are also looking at forming a small group of volunteers who would like to be slightly more actively involved from time to time, but who do not wish to attend regular meetings. We will contact you when we are holding events or actions that need extra hands to see if you would like to help out. Please contact Jo on 0414 375 149 or email us with subject heading – “Action Team” and preferred contact details and any areas of interest.
Next meeting:
Monday 4 June 2012 at 7.30 pm. Call Pamela on 0422 532 586 or Jo on 0414 375 149 for details.