May 2017 Newsletter


The great gas con Nature Conservation Council is organising a public forum about the dangers of increasing gas mining  on Sunday 7 May at Willoughby Uniting Church, 10 Clanwilliam St, North Willoughby from 2-4pm. Bookings essential

Fossil fuel funding Come and join the protest outside the Westpac office corner Massey and Victoria Road in Gladesville on 8 May 11am to 1.30pm. Organised by Lock the Gate.

Plastic in the ocean The amount of plastic entering the ocean is equivalent to one garbage truck unloading its contents at the beach every minute. Lane Cove sustainability group is running an information session on what you can do to minimise this. It will be on 25 May at Lane Cove Library 6-8.30pm. To register ring 0421 442 840 or go to

Fossil Free Unis There is a campaign by Fossil Free Unis May 5-13 at uni campuses around the country as part of a world wide campaign. To find out more and be involved go to

Fungi in Field of Mars There will be a presentation on the fascinating world of fungi, so important in the environment but often overlooked.  It will be on Sunday 7 May 9am -12 noon at the Education centre in the Field of Mars. Free but bookings essential. http://

World environment day On 4 June Ryde Council is holding a family day at the Field of Mars 11am -2pm. Activities include guided walks, citizen science activities, a waste challenge and a sausange sizzle. Free but bookings essential.


In the last  month we have done the following on your behalf:

Submission to Federal Senate Inquiry into Mine Rehabilitation


Renewables roadshow  While the federal government is slow in renewables, communities are doing it on their own.  Read out what the community is doing in Cowra.

Broken Hill renewable roadshow Broken Hill, once a mining town, is now leading the way for renewables.

Canley Vale wetlands damage Watch the video that shows what happens when Abbot Point port releases water from the Adani facility done with Queenland government’s approval. An indication of what will happen if the Carmichael Mine goes ahead.

Queensland’s LPG gas One third of Queensland’s LPG is owned by foreign companies who don’t pay commonwealth royalties, which means that billions of dollars of revenue are lost. Norway did this and has the revenue to fully fund health, education and renewables. A massive fail of government policy.

Climate change will fuel terrorism recruitment A German foreign office commissioned report says that climate change will fuel terrorism recruitment.  It is believed the civil war in Syria was due to a prolonged drought.

Marine Plastic Plastic in the ocean is killing marine life and poisoning our food supply.  Supermarkets are using it a lot on packaging food. Go to the Total Environment Centre’s (TEC) website and find out what you can do to reduce this.

Make NSW plastic bag free Plastic bags are killing our wildlife and destroying our environment. Sign the petition to ask that NSW, Victoria and Western Australia governments to bans one use plastic bags. Go to

Toxins from power stations Pollution from coal-fired power stations, coal mines and export facilities are the leading sources of particle pollution, sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.  Coarse particle emissions from may coal mines in the Hunter Valley have continued to rise despite NSW government programs like Dust Stop. The Clean Air Action Network is campaigning for better standards. To find out more about air pollution, especially if you have family or friends living near any power station in NSW go to

Great Barrier Reef bleaching The Great Barrier Reef has suffered further catastrophic bleaching as evidenced by aerial surveys.  And still the Queensland and Federal governments want the Adani mine to go ahead. Read the article and watch the video

Repower NSW Nature Conservation Council (NCC) has launched its latest campaign calling on the government to start investing and supporting renewable energy.  Sign the petition and get  your friends and family to do the same. Go to

Gas is not a safe transition energy source Despite the government’s insistence, gas is not the safe energy source it claims.  Read the Climate Council’s report on why.

Super funds and climate change  Australian retirement savings could be put at risk unless regulators force the financial sector to be more transparent in managing the investment risks created by climate change.

Also something else to read.  Most global investors recognise financial risk of climate change but sadly still not doing enough.

Solar feed-in tariff to increase? IPART has recommended the feed-in tariff be increased to 11.6-14.6c per kWh. Because it’s not mandatory, it’s up to us to pressure retailers, particularly the big 3 (AGL, Energy Australia, Origin) to implement this recommendatiojn.  You can do this by phoning them (or whoever your retailer is), tweeting them
or going to their Facebook page