North Epping community battery

Dear Supporters

As part of the 2022-23 Federal Budget, the Australian Government allocated $200 million for the Household Solar budget measure to deploy 400 community batteries across Australia. ARENA was allocated $171 million of this funding to deliver at least 342 batteries.  ARENA was overwhelmed by the number of applications for community batteries, which indicates a strong desire in the community for them.

Community batteries provide energy storage in the distribution network that can store excess solar energy for later use, putting downward pressure on household electricity costs, and easing pressure on the local electricity grid.

A site in North Epping has been identified for a community battery and an EV charging point.

Ausgrid is seeking feedback from the community regarding this proposal.  You can respond either by doing a submission or completing a questionnaire.  Closing date is 19 January.

Because of the huge benefits to the community (and the environment), we strongly urge you to make make a submission or complete the questionnaire.

Jerome Laxale is also seeking your feedback on this issue.  You can do a survey at  The feedback he has received so far has been overwhelmingly in support of this project.

Thank you.