Dear Supporters
With the election on Saturday 25 March, we give you scorecards and a brief description of the policies of the parties standing in the election.
Little has been mentioned by Labor and Liberals about where they stand on environmental issues. This election gives the opportunity for more representatives to be voted into the NSW parliament for immediate and decisive action to protect the environment (and protecting the environment is much more than just renewables!)
Here is the scorecard from Total Environment Centre which details the questions asked and the responses.
Here is the general one from NCC (Nature Conservation Council)
And here is the one for the Lane Cove electorate candidates
Here are the parties and a brief summary of their policies:
Greens, Labor and Liberal – see above
Elizabeth Farrelly Independents, Animal Justice Party – environmentally and socially progressive
Legalise Cannabis NSW, Public Education Party, Socialist Alliance – narrower focus parties
Sustainable Australia Party – anti immigration
Informed Medical Options Party – anti-vaxxers and strong supporters of nuclear power (and absolutely against renewables) – no interest in the environment
Liberal Democrats – small government, lower taxes
Small Business Party – more free market rationalism
National Party – pro fossil fuel mining and no love for the environment or native plants and animals
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers – not that different to National Party
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation – enough said