Protect our Marine Sanctuaries
Tony Abbott has suspended the national network of marine sanctuaries and has announced there will be a review (and we know what that means). You can write a letter to your local federal MP saying why you don’t want this unnecessary and costly review to happen using the website’s easy guide. Go to
J D Rockefeller divestment
John D Rockefeller built a vast fortune on oil. Now his heirs are abandoning fossil fuels. The family whose legendary wealth flowed from Standard Oil is planning to announce on Monday that its $860 million philanthropic organization, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, is joining the divestment movement. Read the story at
Hydrogen cars in USA
Hydrogen fuelled, electrically powered vehicles developed by Toyota, Honda and Hyundai are ready to be displayed in showrooms in USA. There is no internal engine, no battery banks and clean water is produced. For the full story go to
Climate Council
A year ago Prof. Tim Flannery set up a new Climate Council with the help of 20,000 Australians so that scientific information about climate change, its impacts and solutions, could be provided to the public and to challenge those who continue to deny climate change. If you would like to see this important work continue, you could donate by going to
Health Effects of Coal
The Climate and Health Alliance and the Climate Council have issued a statement that says “Australia’s heavy reliance on coal for electricity generation and massive coal industry expansion present significant risks to the health of communities, families and individuals.” For the full report go to
Cost of no action on climate change
Leading climate change economist Nicholas Stern estimates the annual cost of no action on climate change at 5-20% of GDP by 2050 whereas the cost of action would only be 2%. For the article on the carbon budget go to
Were you there?
Over the weekend of 20-21 September hundreds of thousands of people marched, calling for action on climate change. Have a look at where the rallies were held around the world and be inspired
Solar jobs in USA
Barack Obama has announced an employment initiative to train thousands of people to install solar systems. The expanding solar industry employed nearly 150,000 people in full-time solar energy related jobs in 2013. For more information (and wonder why we don’t have the same) go to
Solar town in India
Dharnai, a village in Bihar, India’s poorest state, has installed, with the help of Greenpeace India, a solar-powered micro-grid that provides light and power for their daily needs after 30 years without. For the full story go to
CO2 Emissions reached a new high in 2014
A report by CSIRO shows the ever increasing levels of CO2. Go to
Watch this video
John Oliver, a talk show host, shows why there is still a skewed debate about climate change. See it at
Chief Scientist’s Report
The NSW Chief Scientist has released a report on CSG mining in NSW and has identified a major failure by the government to adequately manage the industry. A complete overhaul of the industry was recommended. Go to the following website and fill in the letter asking Premier Baird to act on the recommendations made.
Super trawlers are coming back
The two year moratorium on super fishing trawlers is due to expire mid November this year. It is a destructive process, trapping thousands of turtles, sharks and giant rays. Support the Greenpeace campaign to stop the trawlers. Go to
Switch your super
Almost all Australian superannuation funds invest heavily in fossil fuel industries. Market Forces and has launched Super Switch, a tool that helps you find out where your super is invested and provides the tools for you to move it out of companies that are causing climate change. For details go to
National Divestment Day
If you want to take your money out of the big 4 banks or your superannuation and put your money where it won’t be used to fund coal and CSG mining, then join us and on 18 October for this national day and take money away from the fossil fuel industry. For information on how to do this, go to
Community Charter for Better Planning
The NSW Government’s changes to the NSW planning system have weakened environmental protections and cut the community out of planning decisions. The Community Charter sets out principles for a better, fairer and more accountable planning system and has been endorsed by key environmental groups. Add your name by going to
Stronger Environmental Laws
Australian Conservation Foundation has a petition asking for stronger environmental laws. To sign the petition go to
What’s on
Fair Food Week
From 10 to 19th October you can organise or participate in a local event to celebrate and learn about cultivating a better food future. For details of events go to
Pacific Climate Warriors
Meet the thirty people who will be in Australia to talk about the effects of climate change on their countires. Meet them and hear their stories on 11 October at Campbelltown Arts Centre, 1 Art Rd, Campbelltown 10am-12pm.
Rock the Gate concert
Lock the Gate has an anti-fracking concert to be held at Enmore Theatre in Newtown on 23 November. All proceeds go to support Lock the Gate Alliance. For tickets go to
Love Nature Photo Competition
Nature Conservation Council is organising a photo competition where you can submit a photo of NSW’s environment. There are five categories. Entries in by 26 October. Send entries to or posted to their Facebook page.
Are you a budding film maker?
GetUp is teaming up with Tropfest 2014 to launch #ReefReels, a global competition for short films that inspire people to protect the Great Barrier Reef. For details go to