The RET review has (unsurprisingly) recommended basically to axe the RET. Environment Minister Greg Hunt said he wants to hear from the community before he makes a final decision. We strongly urge you to do so and urgently. Solar Citizens has set up a webpage for you to send an email to your federal MP. Go to
Green electricity guide
Want to know which energy companies really are providing renewable energy? The big three – AGL, EnergyAustralia and Origin – do not fare well on this list. Have a look at the guide put out by Greenpeace and consider changing your supplier. Go to
Monster Mine
The Australian government has given Adani, the Indian company we mentioned in the June newsletter, the go-ahead for the Carmichael Mine which will irreversibly damage the Great Barrier Reef, the local environment and fuel climate change. Use this easy tool to send an email to the four major Australian banks and tell them not to finance this project. Major overseas banks have refused to finance this project. Go to
Tassie forests under threat
The Tasmanian government has just proposed the logging of 1.5 million hectares of forest. Sign this petition to demand this doesn’t happen. Go to
Cash for containers campaign
This ongoing campaign has recently completed a national litter index and confirms for the fourth time that drink containers are the most littered item by volume. This campaign is successful in over 40 countries overseas, why not here? For more information, to donate or to take action go to
Help Joe Hockey balance the budget
The Greens have suggested a number of items that will raise $88 billion dollars. You can send a note to Joe Hockey asking him to stop supporting the big end of town by going to
Pacific Climate Warriors
This group came together to take action against the devastating effects of climate change on their low-lying islands and will paddle canoes they have built to Australia and blockade Newcastle coal port on 17th October. They need help. For more
National Divestment Day
If you want to take your money out of the big 4 banks or your superannuation and put your money where it won’t be used to fund coal and CSG mining, then join us and on 18 October for this national day and take money away from the fossil fuel industry. For information on how to do this, go to
Super Switch
Market Forces has launched its new site that identifies where, and how much, super funds are investing shares in the fossil fuel industry. The website helps you make the switch to a more sustainable fund.
Uni Super has announced that AGL and all fossil fuel exploration and production companies are now excluded from the socially responsible fund in Uni Super. For more information go to
Keep Aurizon out of Galilee Basin
Aurizon is an Queensland rail company contemplating a multi-billion dollar investment in the Galilee Basin and a coal export terminal in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Their incorrect assumption is that China will continue to increase demand for coal (see our August newsletter). Tell Aurizon to not go ahead with this project
The implications of scaling back RET
If you want to know the implications, read this article
CSG Leak at Camden
At the beginning of this month an AGL CSG well started leaking methane gas at Spring Farm in Sydney’s south west. Unfortunately for these residents and those in Gloucester, the rules for residential exclusion zones announced by Resources Minister Anthony Roberts do not apply. Locals are expected to live with gasfields next door to their homes. Send a letter to the minister and ask why
Renewable energy myths busted
Here are five myths about renewable energy the Australian energy companies keep quoting
Achievements of the Abbott Government
A sobering list of the first year of Tony Abbott’s government actions:
What’s on
March in September
Come and join us at a worldwide day of protest demanding that all governments take decisive action on climate change. This is ahead of the world leaders’ meeting for the UN’s emergency Climate Change Summit in New York. See us at Bicentennial Park, Glebe. At 11:00 am. A great day out for the family. For more details go to
Climate Summit
The 2014 Australian Climate Action Summit will be held at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane on 19-21 September. For more information and to register go to
Stop CSG
This group, which is battling CSG mining in NSW, will hold its AGM on Sunday 28 September at 3pm at the Seaview Community Hall, Dulwich Hill. They will show The Medium is the Message, a film about the Bentley Blockade. For more information go to