Electric Vehicles What will be the impact on our grid when more charging at homes happens as more electric cars are bought? Find out at an event organised by Australian Institute of Energy on 23 October at 200 George Street, Sydney 6-7.30pm. For info and bookings https://tas.currinda.com/register/event/1659
Visit the Pilliga Wilderness Society is organising a visit to the Pilliga on 10-12 November. This is where Santos wants to sink 850 CSG wells in a pristine woodland area next year. For bookings and details go to https://www.wilderness.org.au/events/spring-pilliga-pilliga-forest-trip-2017
National Recycling week For the week 13-19 November, you can participate in recycling in a big way. Most takeaway coffee cups cannot be recycled. Have a look at Ryde Council’s Responsible Cafe site http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/Environment-and-Waste/Waste-and-Recycling/Other-Waste-Services/Responsible-Cafes
Planet Ark has some ideas too http://planetark.org/campaigns/nrw.cfm
Repower NSW There will be community events 20-26 November about how we can have renewables for our energy source. For information on how to participate go to https://environmentvictoria.org.au/our-campaigns/organised-communities/get-involved-repower-hour/
Christmas Party Save the date! We’d love you to join us on 12 December from 7pm at the Hunters Hill Hotel for our Christmas get together.
In the last month we have done the following on your behalf:
Written to John Alexander outlining our concerns about the government’s inaction on climate change and it’s ongoing determination to have coal and gas as our main sources of energy production.
Written to Medibank asking them to divest from fossil fuel investments.
Written to NSW government concerning its plans to extend the Springvale coal mine and the effects on Sydney’s drinking water
Made a submission asking for a fair feed-in tariff for those who have PV
Stop Adani protests A big thank you to the 80 people who came to Meadowbank to participate in our human sign protest . And a thank you to the 22 new supporters who signed up on Sunday. You join our group of over 700 people who want governments to act on climate change.
Protests last weekend show the nationwide opposition to this destructive mine. Watch the video https://www.facebook.com/350.orgAustralia/videos/1726378271002367/ , read the article https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/oct/07/most-australians-oppose-adani-mine-poll-shows-amid-national-protests
If you missed the Four Corners report on Adani, you can see it on ABC iview http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/four-corners/NC1704H034S00
Springvale Mine The NSW government is planning to introduce legilsation to allow this mine to continue to pollute Sydney water despite a court saying it can’t. Sign this urgent petition https://www.nature.org.au/get-involved/take-action/stop-berejiklian-polluting-our-water/
Repower NSW NCC has a petition asking the NSW government to repower NSW with renewables by 2030, particularly in light of Anthony Roberts holding a piece of coal in parliament and announcing this is the government’s view of energy production. https://www.nature.org.au/get-involved/take-action/repower-petition/
Malcolm Turnbull and CSG Turnbull thinks more CSG mining will solve our energy problems. Sign the petition to stop CSG mining in NSW. https://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/protect-pilliga-ban-csg-nsw
And let Turnbull know we want renewables not fossil fuels. There are two petitions you can sign http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/dirty_energy_target
Change who your mortgage is with The big four banks are still investing in fossil fuels. If you have a mortgage, you could consider changing it to Bank Australia, which does not invest in fossil fuels, donates 4% to environmental and social causes and owns a nature reserve where it undertakes conservation and habitat restoration work. For more info on how to switch go to https://bankaust.com.au/getuploans
WA to ban plastic bags The WA government has announced it will ban plastic bags from July 2018. Sadly, NSW is still lagging behind. http://www.communitynews.com.au/eastern-reporter/news/mcgowan-announces-state-wide-ban-plastic-bags/
The rewards of wind power Wind energy is the fastest growing renewable energy source in Australia. Read about the recently installed Ararat Wind Farm http://www.sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/energy/article/reaping-the-rewards-of-wind-energy-with-tanya-jackson-226944468
Australia’s hottest winter A report by Climate Council shows that Australia has just experienced its hottest winter on record. You may have also noticed it has not rained much, which means it will be a very bad bushfire season this summer. Read the report http://www.climatecouncil.org.au/uploads/4801d325365bccdbbb99a1ce8e8e9810.pdf