Solar and battery storage Ryde Council is holding an information night on solar energy and battery storage on Wednesday 20 September 6.30-8.30pm at Macquarie Theatre (W2.4A), 21 Wallys Walk, Macquarie University. Free event but you need to book http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/Events/Listing/Solar-and-Battery-Storage
National day of action We will be participating in the national Stop Adani campaign on Sunday 8 October at 3pm at Meadowbank and we’d love you to join us. Meet us at Meadowbank Park field 9 (park at the Eastwood Ryde Netball Association car park). Wear red and/or black so we can make a human sign that says Stop Adani. Bring a picnic, thermos of coffee, cake, yourself, a carload of friends!
Plastic pollution Boomerang Alliance is holding a conference on plastic pollution and how to solve it at Darling Harbour 30 October -1 November. For information and booking go to http://www.beyondplasticpollutionconference.org.au/conference-registration/
Breakfast with the birds The Ryde Flora and Fauna Preservation Society is organising two walks and talks about local birds on 8 October in the Field of Mars. For information and bookings leave a message for Alfred on 9879 6067 or go to http://rhhffps@gmail.com
Coal is not clean The Federal Government wants ageing coal fired power stations to be kept running past their expected life time. Labor has not yet ruled it out. Sign the petition and tell them to support clean energy not coal http://www.adambandt.com/coal_aint_clean
Queensland passes law banning plastic bags Queensland is leading Australia by passing laws that ban one use plastic bags from July 2018. https://www.marineconservation.org.au/news.php/942/media-release-queensland-becomes-leader-on-plastic-pollution
Even Kenya is banning the plastic bag! https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/kenya-becomes-latest-country-to-ban-plastic-bags/4009964.html
Sadly, NSW is still to introduce such legislation. Send a letter to your NSW MP asking them to do so https://boomerangalliance.good.do/BanTheBag/email-MP/
Commbank being sued by shareholders In a world first, the bank is being sued by shareholders for not fully disclosing the effects of climate change. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/aug/08/commonwealth-bank-shareholders-sue-over-inadequate-disclosure-of-climate-change-risks
Solar thermal plant for Port Augusta Jay Weatherill announced the building of the solar thermal plant will commence next year and will be up and running by 2020. A fantastic result from five years of lobbying from community groups. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-14/solar-thermal-power-plant-announcement-for-port-augusta/8804628
Companies supporting Adani Market Forces has put together a list of companies that are already associated with Adani, those who might and those who have opted out. https://www.marketforces.org.au/info/key-issues/theadanilist/
Wind power! Watch this video from Australian Wind Alliance and see how wind turbine farms are making a difference (despite what the politicians say) https://www.facebook.com/AustralianWindAlliance/videos/1319812394793985/
Coal industry in decline That’s what the analysts are telling us https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/24/coal-in-decline-an-energy-industry-on-life-support
Why gas mining is not good Lock the Gate has put together the reasons why gas is not safe http://www.lockthegate.org.au/methane_leakage_and_venting
Minerals Council and environmental groups The Minerals Council is calling for environmental advocacy groups to have to spend the bulk of donations on remedial work. Guess what, it’s not an equitable playing field. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/sep/01/mining-lobby-calls-for-controls-on-environmental-charities-spending-on-advocacy
NSW has no plan The NSW Government still has no plan on how to reach zero emissions by 2050. Other states like Victoria do. Sign the letter to let your NSW MP know you want them to do so http://www.nature.org.au/get-involved/take-action/demand-a-climate-plan-for-nsw/
We’re running out of time Mr Turnbull The former UN climate chief, Christiana Figueres said on 7.30 report that the federal government’s dithering and support of the coal industry is not helping reduce our carbon emissions http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2017/s4732703.htm