Guarding the Galilee #StopAdani North Sydney is screening this film as well as Al Gore’s new film ‘An Inconvenient Seque’l at Hoyts Chatswood, Westfield on Wednesday 6 September at 6pm. Enquiries to stopadani.northsydney@gmail.com
Sustainable house day Sunday 17 September. You can visit sustainable houses and talk to their owners. Lineup includes biogas and native bees in Newington, a recycled semi in Chatswood and passive solar in Leichhardt. Go go to https://sustainablehouseday.com/about-shd/
Ryde Council Sustainability Talks Ryde Council, in conjunction with Macquarie University is running a series of talks by leaders in their fields to discuss what is happening across policy, private industry and research to tackle Sydney’s increasing development in a sustainable way. The first one will be on transport, followed by Green and Public Spaces and Natural and Cultural Heritage. For information and bookings go to www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/sustainabilitytalks
Ryde Council Spring Garden Competition Entries are now open for the 2017 Spring Garden competition and close 31 August. Entry is free. For information on categories and to enter phone 9952 8222 or go to http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/gardencomp
Wildflower walk The Ryde Flora and Fauna Preservation Society will have walks through the Field of Mars Reserve on Sunday 13 August from 2.30 – 4pm. Walks are of moderate difficulty. To find out more and to book either phone 9879 6067 and leave a message or email the Society on rhhffps@gmail.com
Extensive listing of What’s On If you want to know about a very wide range events all around Sydney, we suggest you have a look this month (or any month) at http://www.mec.org.au
We’re on Facebook! It has taken us some time to decide to have a Facebook page. If that’s your thing, find and like us and leave some comments at https://www.facebook.com/rydegvilleclimateaction/
Moocooboola.We had a stall last weekend and our theme this year was the Carmichael Mine. We encouraged people to write to their Federal MP voicing their concerns. We had 23 people write to John Alexander, 11 to Trent Zimmerman and one each to Anthony Albanese, Julian Leeser and Craig Laundy giving a total of 37.
In the last month we have done the following on your behalf:
Submission opposing Treasury Discussion Paper on Tax Deductible Gift Recipient Reform Opportunities (ie Federal government wanting to make environmental advocacy NGO’s lose their tax deductibility status if they don’t do environmental rehabilitation work using donated money)
Written to John Alexander challenging his defence of Carmichael Mine
Written to Anthony Roberts challenging his defence of NSW land clearing laws
Carmichael Mine The water gets murker as to the transparency of the whole approval process. These two articles may be of interest https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/aug/03/government-loan-to-adani-could-be-tainted-by-interference-economists-say and https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/aug/02/adani-royalties-deal-queenslands-transparent-policy-framework-kept-secret
We encourage you to contact your local federal MP either by phoning or emailing and let them know of your concerns about the mine.
John Alexander: Phone 9869 4288, email john.alexander.mp@aph.gov.au
Trent Zimmerman: Phone 9929 9822, email trent.zimmerman.mp@aph.gov.au
Josh Frydenberg (Federal Environment Minister); Phone (03) 9882 3677
Greening Sydney Sign the petition asking the NSW Premier to protect and enhance Sydney’s green spaces. http://www.tec.org.au/open_letter_gladys_berejiklian
Super funds and climate risk management Market Forces has released a report showing 82 of Australia’s largest super funds are not providing sufficient evidence they are considering climate risk. Contact your fund and ask them why they are not. https://superswitch.org.au/riskybusiness/
Marine sanctuaries Despite the thousands of submissions and the evidence of scientists, the Federal government has proposed to more than halve the size of our marine sanctuaries. Sign the petition to voice your concern about this backward step, making it the ONLY government in the world to do so. https://www.marineconservation.org.au/petitions/182/act-now-stop-the-madness-and-save-our-sanctuaries
Murray Darling Rorting No doubt you saw or heard about the rorting of the system by some cotton farmers to rob this vital river system of water affecting not just agriculture further down river but also townships and habitats like Menindee Lakes. Sign the petition asking the Premier for action.http://www.nature.org.au/get-involved/take-action/save-our-murray-darling/
You can also sign a petition asking for a Senate inquiry into the water theft. https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/rapid-response–2/murray-darling/save-the-murray-darling
Battery Storage The Total Environment Centre (TEC) has just completed a report for the NSW Government that looks at all aspects of battery storage. http://www.resourcesandenergy.nsw.gov.au/energy-consumers/sustainable-energy/home-solar-battery-guide