October 2018 Newsletter

Rise for Climate Thanks to all of you who braved the rain on 8th September for our 350 event at Abuklea Park Ryde. Aimed at drawing attention to the need for urgent action to curb emissions, 50,000 people attended events in Paris, 30,000 in San Fransisco and the tall ships sailed on Sydney Harbour and 46 people and 5 dogs unfurled a giant a giant wind turbine and flower banner in Ryde. For photos and video footage – check out our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/rydegvilleclimateaction/


Friday 5 October  -Pacific Climate Warriors Bankstown Arts Centre 6:30pm – 9:30pm. representing 15 Pacific Island nations, will share stories on climate impacts through cultural arts performance and presentation. RSVP on Facebook

Wednesday 10 October – 350.org is hosting a 1.5ºC forum at Bondi Pavillion. Experts will be talking about the importance of limiting global warming, and how the federal government can do it.

Tuesday, 16 October: Shinehub – Solar and Battery install options 2pm and 6:30pm start times at the Northern Sydney Education Centre, 29 Wicks Road, North Ryde NSW 2113 https://www.shinehub.com.au/sydney

Wednesday 17 October 9:45am with Seed – at Origin Energy’s AGM  Sofitel Sydney Wentworth, 61 Phillip St Sydney to protest their fracking plans on Aboriginal land.

Thursday 25 October 5:30 pm. Anote Tong, the former President of Kiribati, responsible for a range of initiatives to combat climate change including a global moratorium on using coal, is speaking at the Good Samaritan Function Room in Glebe. Tickets https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-rising-seas-climate-change-and-the-pacific-tickets-50252262871


In the last  month we have done the following:

Made a submission to senate enquiry about Australia’s animal extinction crisis.


Adani Update Adani has a new plan to get the coal to the port without building the long rail link which will make it much easier for them to go ahead, as it reduces costs. The new Federal Environment Minister has also waived the requirement for a full environmental impact on the pipeline which will take water from the Suttor River. AND there is evidence Adani is already extracting water. The need to stop this mine now is more urgent than ever. http://www.lockthegate.org.au/adani_to_take_10_billion_litres_river_water_without_federal_environmental_assessment

Ryde Council booms on fossil free investments In other good news, Ryde Council’s decision to divest from fossil fuel investments in November 2017 has paid off. Despite the strong opposition from some Council members, the value of Council investments in non-fossil aligned financial institutions increased from $50.5 million to $64.2 million which has  coincided with a strong performance for Council’s investment portfolio, with returns well above the benchmark up until the end of June. https://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/Council/Media-Centre/News-and-Public-Notices/City-of-Ryde-rapidly-divesting-from-fossil-fuel-investments

Repowering Our Schools Australian Youth Climate Coalition has just launched A Plan for Repowering our Schools– providing a roadmap for the state government to repower public high schools with renewable energy Easy link to email our state MP to act on it. https://repowerschools.good.do/repowerourschools/emailmp_nsw/

Wentworth by- election Stop Adani and GetUp are calling for help to mobilize for the Wentworth by-election. They are looking for people to join a massive door knocking effort 6-7 OCT, 13-14 OCT 1-5.30pm and will provide training and support. If you can help, email Michael Leahy  m1leahy1@gmail.com

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change have a new campaign for people in faith community to put pressure on your local MP called ‘We All Live Here’. Lots of resources to support faith communities express their hope in a safe climate. A global week of action by faith groups globally will be celebrated in Sydney at Pitt St Uniting Church  on Oct 13 – more on their  Facebook page.

Fracking in the NT  New gas mining in NT could increase Australia’s carbon emissions by 6%.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jun/25/new-nt-gasfields-would-put-paris-commitment-in-doubt

What’s your ecological footprint? Take the test. http://www.wwf.org.au/get-involved/change-the-way-you-live/ecological-footprint-calculator

QBE underwriting fossil fuel QBE, Australia’s biggest general insurer, continues to underwrite fossil fuel projects even though it lost US$1.2 billion in 2017 due to extreme weather. Sign the letter asking them to get out of supporting fossil fuels. https://www.marketforces.org.au/campaigns/insurance/qbe/   Then watch the video. https://www.facebook.com/MarketForces/videos/1101709329981953/


Nespresso coffee pods Yes, they are recyclable!!  Their website lists how. As far as we know you can’t do this with ones from Aldi. https://www.nespresso.com/au/en/how-to-recycle-coffee-capsules

Repair Cafe Do you have something that needs repair like jewellery, shoes, small electrical applicances? You can take it to the Repair Cafe which is open the first and second Sundays of each month at the Living and Learning Centre, 180 Longueville Rd, Lan Cove between 2-4pm.  For more info go to https://repaircafesydneynorth.net/