Dear Supporters
There are a few issues we ask you take urgent action on this week. The deadline for two of these items is in the next couple of days.We encourage you to sign these and forward to friends and family.
EPBC Act Last Thursday the Senate voted to hold an inquiry into The EPBC Act (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act). In the past the government has blocked previous attempts to send the bill to inquiry. The Senate needs to see people opposing the government’s weakening of the EPBC. Deadline is Wednesday 18 November. Please sign the petition
StopAdani Film The Bennelong Climate Action Group is showing the film “The People Vs Adani – The Fight of our Times” at the North Epping Bowling Club on Thursday 19 November 6-8pm. The film documents the ten year fight to stop this mine. The film is free but there is the option of donating to the Wangana and Jagalingou Family group to fund their ongoing fight with Adani. Details and ticketing information is at
CEFC and ARENA The federal government wants these agencies to fund a gas-led recovery. The Senate is to vote on it and there are some senators who are undecided on how to vote. Use the template to write and ask them to block these laws
Climate Change Bill Zali Steggall has presented her bill to parliament. It has now been referred to the House Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy. Closing date for public submissions is 5pm 27 November. We encourage you to write a submission (it doesn’t have to be long) in support of this important bill. An overview of the bill is at
Information on how to make a submission is at