Election Round up
Sincere thanks to supporters Troy, Tim, Barbara, Kirsten, Christine, Maria, Mark, Brigid, Gillian, Peter, Lucia, Lynda and Mark for valiant letterboxing in the lead up to the election. Over a few weeks, together we delivered 10,000 flyers we developed and printed to residents of Bennelong calling for people to make their vote count for the climate. An amazing effort and we couldn’t have done it without you. If your letterbox missed out here’s the flyer.
The results saw John Alexander returned as the Member for Bennelong with 57% of votes after preferences. Labor candidate Jason Yat-Sen Lee finished with 42%. Greens Lindsay Peters got 8% (the only NSW electorate with an increased Greens vote).
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says:
There is a consensus of 800 scientists and a conclusion that the current pace of warming is happening 10 times faster than any time over the last 65 million years.
For the full report http://www.ipcc.ch/
For those with short attention spans…15 things you should know about the new report –http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/09/27/2681861/15-things-ipcc-report/
And some good graphics on the various scenarios in the report –http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=15766
Fossil Fuels …time to go…
350.org’s campaign to make fossil fuel investments dirty and unprofitable is gathering momentum. It’s time to pull your money out of banks and superannuation funds that refuse to divest from fossil fuels starting with the Commonwealth bank on 2 November.
To find out more about this event… http://action.marketforces.org.au/page/event/detail/bankswitchdayofaction/rtl
To see how your dirty your bank is http://www.marketforces.org.au/banks/map/
Tim Flannery rides on……
The first act of the Abbott government was to axe the Climate Commission, our independent body for advice. Tim Flannery is securing private funds to keep this work going.
Listen to an interview with Tim Flannery http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/flannery-to-head-up-new-australian-climate-council/4976742 or find out more from this site http://www.climatecouncil.org.au/
Keeping it cool
With summer coming, windows are a good place to keep out the heat without air conditioning. Check out these sites for windows http://www.greenpag.es/projects/energy-rating/ and heat reducing film http://www.solargard.com/au/window-films/home-tinting/solar-films
Whats on
Ride to Work Day -16 October Why not get involved this year? Get inspired to ditch the car/ bus and commute pollution free. Your registration helps campaigns for better bike facilities and encourages others to take up riding. To register and make a difference www.bicyclenetwork.com.au/rtw/
Nature Conservation Council of NSW Annual Conference – 19 October at the University of Sydney. Speakers: Environment Minister Robyn Parker, Luke Foley (Labor), Dr Mehreen Faruqi (Greens), Don Henry (ACF), Lyndon Schneiders (The Wilderness Society), Paul Oosting (GetUp), interactive workshops, networking drinks and dinner. For details and to register: www.nccnsw.org.au
David Suzuki Yes! You CAN go back in time if you missed David Suzuki speak at Angel Place on 26th September (with Tim Flann, Anna Rose ( Australian Youth Climate Coalition) and others via podcast
Sustainable Food Adventure: Love Food Hate Waste – Saturday 26th October10-1pm – Willoughby Council – For more information or to book, phone 9777 1000. Bookings are essential.